Dwarf II App

This website allows you to control parts of the Dwarf II using the Dwarf API.

  • Object list with over 250 objects.
  • Import objects lists from Telescopius.
  • Import Mosaic lists from Telescopius.
  • Connect to Stellarium planeterium app to help select targets.
  • Take Astro photos.
  • 1x1 binning for astro photos.

This website and the Dwarf API are in beta phase. The API hasn't been officially released, and the API doesn't have all the features of the mobile app, therefore this app has a very limited list of features. Only use this app if you are comfortable with being testers for beta software.

  • Dwarf II's internal date url does not work in the browser because of CORS (http://DWARF_IP:8092/date?date=).
  • To get it working, you need CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin Plugin on Chrome
  • Restriction : as this website use only http mode to communicate with the dwarf, it can not detect your location.